The New York State Division of Human Rights
Case No. 10207340/Federal Charge No. 16GC002792
Re: Sexual harassment and retaliation against LA Fitness/PROBABLE CAUSE Determination
On February 4, 2020, The Law Office of David H. Rosenberg, P.C. filed the aforementioned administrative action with The New York State Division of Human Rights on behalf of a female employee Complainant (“Complainant”), who had alleged that she was sexually harassed by her boss, against LA Fitness International LLC (“LA Fitness”), and Long Island gym supervisor Herb Valentine (“Valentine” and all together as “Respondents”), for unlawful discriminatory practices relating to employment because of sex and retaliation for opposition to said practices in violation of N.Y. Exec. Law, art. 15 (“Human Rights Law”).
On August 30, 2020, in writing, LA Fitness accused Complainant of fabricating the sexual harassment claims. Additionally, LA Fitness accused Complainant of being sexually promiscuous, provocative, and further argued that she deserved the treatment, to the extent that it actually happened, because Complainant showed “revealing pictures of herself in a bikini to Valentine”.
Notwithstanding Respondents’ shaming, blaming, and mocking of Complainant, The Law Office of David H. Rosenberg, P.C. argued vigorously on behalf of the sexually harassed victim in this case and received a PROBABLE CAUSE determination in Complainant’s favor against LA Fitness from The New York State Division of Human Rights who determined that “Respondents have engaged in or are engaging in the unlawful discriminatory practice complained of.”
If you, or someone you know, is suffering at work, please contact The Law Office of David H. Rosenberg, P.C., and call (516) 741-0300 for a free and confidential case review. Problems at work are no problem for us.
The information and allegations cited to herein comes directly from publicly filed documentation and are meant as a means of attorney advertising.